Author Archives: Bassam

Bilal Family Fun Day & Ramadan Bazaar May 15th 2016 1-5 PM

Our Level 8 and 9 students have put together this Family Fun Day for our community. Please come out and join us for a fun-filled day of family and friends! Bring the kids for lunch and stay for the fun! Check out all the amazing vendors offering a variety of goods to get you ready for Ramadan and Eid! Please refer to the flyer below for full details:


Bilal Family Fun Day

Bilal-Zaytuna Lecture Series, Saturday April 30th at 6:45 PM


We are very happy to announce the 4th lecture of the Bilal-Zaytuna Lecture series. Brother Munes Tomeh will be talking to us about “Living Islam with purpose”.

He will be speaking at the following three events during the weekend:
•Khutba at Bilal Masjid on Friday, April 29th, 1:30PM
•Community talk on Saturday evening (after Asr – 6:45PM), Feb 30th
•Teach Sunday school students on Sunday, May 1st.


Jazkum Allah Khar,
Bilal Sunday School

Visited the Unitarian Church in downtown Portland

Assalamu Alikum Parents and Students,

On Feb 28th, the students visited the Unitarian Church in downtown Portland.

The event began with everyone in small groups. Each small group was a mix of our youth and their youth. Each group worked on a section of a jigsaw puzzle. This gave them an opportunity to get to know each other. Later, all of the small groups put their sections together to create the full puzzle.

After that opening activity, everyone sat in a circle of chairs and did a round of introductions.

Their students had some questions for our youth. Some of our students did an excellent job in answering them. Special recognition goes to Yousef Moussa, Hina Rasheed, Thariq Ridha and Umai Zaidi for stepping up.

Here are a few pics that were taken at the church.Bilal Mosque Puzzles 1

Bilal Mosque Puzzles 2

Bilal Mosque Puzzles 3

Bilal Mosque Upstairs 1

Bilal Mosque Upstairs 2

School starts at 10:30 AM, starting this Sunday March 13th

Asalamu Alekom,

The daylight savings begins March 13th, please turn your clocks forward 1 hour before going to sleep Saturday March 12th.

Due to daylight savings time, Bilal Sunday School will begin at 10:30 AM and end at 1:45 PM. Please make sure to drop off your children by 10:25 AM at their classrooms. Please pick up your children at 1:45 PM from the BMA center as usual.

Bilal-Zaytuna Lecture Series, Saturday February 20th at 4:45 PM


We are very happy to announce the 3rd lecture of the Bilal-Zaytuna Lecture series. Brother Dawood from Zaytuna College returns, the topic will be ‘After Hardship if Ease: Trusting Difficulties’.

He will be speaking at the following three events during the weekend:
•Khutba at Bilal Masjid on Friday, Feb 19th, 12:30PM
•Community talk on Saturday afternoon  ( after Asr  – 4:45PM), Feb 20th
•Teach Sunday school students on Feb 21st, Sunday.


Bilal-Zaytuna Lecture Series Continues

Asalamu Alekom,

The next visit from Zaytuna is coming November 20th 2015. This visit will be by professor Ali Ataie.

-He will be doing the khutba at Bilal Masjid
-There will be a Saturday evening talk at Bilal Masjid, after Maghrib on November 21st – everyone is invited.
-He will also be teaching a class to our older students on Sunday and possibly talking to the entire school during assembly.

Below is a flyer from Bilal Masjid.

zaytuna visit 2

Zaytuna Scholar visiting our community!

Asalamu Alekom,

Great news for the local Muslim community! Bilal Sunday School has arranged for Scholar “Dawood Yasin” from Zaytuna College (only 4 year accredited Islamic College in US) to visit in the weekend of Oct 16th.

-He will be doing the khutba at Bilal Masjid
-There will be a Saturday evening talk at Bilal Masjid, after Maghrib on Oct 17th – everyone is invited.
-He will also be teaching a class to our older students on Sunday and possibly talking to the entire school during assembly.

Below is a flyer from Bilal Masjid.

zaytuna scholar announcement

Registration Information for 2015/2016

Asslaamo Alaikum Parents,

We invite you to register your child(ren) for the academic year 2015-16. Please read the summary below and then the details.

General Information

  1. All registration must be done in-person and on dates indicated below
  2. Please read the Discipline and the Dress Code. These policies will be strictly enforced. Students will not be allowed to attend classes if dress code is violated and will be referred to disciplinary committee for violation of disciplinary code. You will be required to sign a form
  3. The school starts at 10:30 AM, so plan to be there at 10:15 AM. If your child comes late, you will need to accompany them to the office and they will be marked late for that day.
  4. There is no change in the fee structure from last year..


Calendar (Date/ Time/ Topic):

  1. Registration – August 30th 10:00 AM – 12:00 AM. All registration (including late) must be done in –person as parent signatures will be required.
  2. Mandatory Principal Welcome (light/refreshments will be served) and Orientation – August 30th 12:00-12:30 (Following Registration).
  3. Late Registration – September 6th at 9:30 AM to – 11:00 AM. There will be a $50 fee per student for late Registration.
  4. All new students who have registered (except 1st graders) will need to take an entrance exam on Sunday September 6th starting at 11:00 AM
  5. First day of School – Sunday, September 13th at 10:30 AM (please come early every Sunday to walk your children to their classroom)

Tuition Fee:

    1. Fee for both semesters (two checks) will be collected at the time of fall semester registration. First check will be cashed immediately while the 2nd check will be cashed after March 1, 2016. The 2nd check will be returned upon request, if the student is withdrawn from school.
    2. Parents paying in full for the academic year will get a 5% discount.
    3. Late fee $50 per child after August 30th.


No. of Kids Fall ’15 Fee  Spring ’16 Fee  One single Payment
1 $260 $260 $494
2 $442 $442 $840
3 $663 $663 $1,260
4 $884 $884 $1,680


Payment Methods:

      • Check (Please add all Students name and make the checks payable to Bilal Sunday School)
      • Cash

Important Notes:

We have more students than we have capacity for. There is a waiting list this year and we may have to turn students away. It is important that returning parents register and pay before the deadline. For new students, preference will be given to those who register early and who have siblings who already attend the school.


Bilal Sunday school