Author Archives: Bassam

Fundraising for BIlal Masjid Expansion

ASM Parents,

Bilal Sunday School is arranging a fun-filled day of family and fundraising event on Sunday May 3rd, 2015, 12-4 pm. Please bring the kids for lunch and stay for the fun! Face painting, henna, course, Insha’Allah! All proceeds will go to the Bilal Masjid expansion project.



Bilal Fun Day Poster1




Registration Information Sept 2014

AsslaamoAlaikum Parents,

We invite you to register your child(ren) for the academic year 2014-15. Please read the summary below and then the details.

General Information

  1. All registration must be done in-person and on dates indicated below
  2. Please read the Discipline and the Dress Code. These policies will be strictly enforced. Students will not be allowed to attend classes if dress code is violated and will be referred to disciplinary committee for violation of disciplinary code. You will be required to sign a form
  3. The school starts at 9:30AM. If your child comes late, they will be sent to the office and marked absent for that day.
  4. There is no change in the fee structure from last year


Calendar (Date/ Time/ Topic):

  1. Mandatory Principal Welcome (light/refreshments will be served)  and Orientation 9:30-10:00.
  2. Registration – September 7th 10:00 AM – 12:00 AM. All registration (including late) must be done in –person as parent signatures will be required.
  3. Late Registration – September   14th at 9:30 AM to – 10:30 AM. Late registration is for returning students only.  No new students will be accepted for late registration. There will be a $50 fee per student. Acceptance is not guaranteed for new students as class sizes are limited.  We will send more information within the next few days
  4. All new students who have registered on Sep 7th (except 1st graders) will need to take an entrance exam on Sunday the 147h starting at 10:00 AM
  5. First day of School – Sunday, September 21st at 9:30 AM (please come early to walk your children to the right classroom)

Tuition Fee:

    1. Fee for both semesters (two checks) will be collected at the time of fall semester registration. First check will be cashed immediately while the 2nd check will be cashed after March 1, 2015.  The 2nd check will be returned upon request, if the student is withdrawn from school.
    2. Parents paying in full for the academic year will get a 5% discount.
    3. Late fee $50 per child after Sept 7th.


No. of Kids       Fall 2014 Fee      Spring 15 Fee      One single Payment

1                           $260                $260                            $494

2                           $442               $442                             $840

3                           $663               $663                             $1260

4                           $884               $884                             $1680

Payment Methods:

      • Check (Please add all Students name and make the checks payable to Bilal Sunday School)
      • Cash


Important Notes:

We have more students than we have capacity for. There is a waiting list this year and we may have to turn students away. It is important that returning parents register and pay before the deadline. For new students, preference will be given to those who register early and who have siblings who already attend the school.

Bilal Sunday school

Final and End of the year party

ASM Bilal Sunday School Parents,

This is a friendly reminder to you all that Bilal Sunday School Final exam will be on June 1st.   
Important Notes:
 June 1st – Final exam
 June 8th – Last day of school
 June 8th – End of the year party  ( 10:00AM to 2:00PM)

We will have "End of the Year Party" on Sunday,  June 8th.Please join us to recognize our teachers and the achievements of our Students in an award ceremony. This year we invited Brother  Br. Kambiz  as our Guest speaker.

We would be delighted if you could join us at 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM for this celebration consisting of a brief talk and award ceremony followed by refreshment.

Bilal Sunday school

Oregon Food Bank

Bilal weekend school Level 9+ students took it upon them self to create a successful food drive for Oregon Food Bank. They encouraged all the students to participate by offering prizes to the class that was able to bring in the most good.

Oregon Food Bank