On April 27th, 2011 students from our Weekend school visited the Congregation Beth Israel and actively participated in discussions. Here is a link to the pictures:
Picasa Album – Visit to Congregation
On April 27th, 2011 students from our Weekend school visited the Congregation Beth Israel and actively participated in discussions. Here is a link to the pictures:
Picasa Album – Visit to Congregation
Bilal school students participate in various community projects throughout the year. On march 26th, 2011 a group of our students, their parents and teachers volunteered at the Oregon Food Bank West. Please click on the following link to view the picture:
Ted did figure it out – time travel. And when we get back, we gonna tell everyone. How it’s possible, how it’s done, what the dangers are. But then why fifty years in the future when the spacecraft encounters a black hole does the computer call it an ‘unknown entry event’? Why don’t they know? If they don’t know, that means we never told anyone. And if we never told anyone it means we never made it back. Hence we die down here. Just as a matter of deductive logic.
Vivamus non sem at ante dapibus rhoncus. Aenean a diam sed dolor tristique euismod eu vitae turpis. Sed tincidunt, erat eget elementum pellentesque, arcu magna pharetra ante, non pellentesque ante est eget arcu. Proin ligula tortor, fermentum id cursus ut, vulputate vel velit. Duis vehicula vehicula felis sed scelerisque. Aenean nec mi sapien. Fusce id dictum purus. Aliquam eget varius orci. Sed non purus eu nisi faucibus feugiat. Donec sed lectus nisi, et vestibulum libero. Praesent ullamcorper sem vel arcu vulputate pulvinar. Praesent sollicitudin blandit augue nec eleifend. Aenean euismod, ligula id bibendum tincidunt, massa nibh fermentum mi, quis sodales dolor nisl in ante. Mauris arcu elit, semper at posuere non, placerat nec lectus. Aenean dui lacus, suscipit ut aliquam et, luctus sit amet eros. Nulla magna sapien, sodales at sagittis vel, fermentum a justo. Quisque a risus non ipsum tempus pulvinar eu nec ante.
Pellentesque nec est arcu, at aliquam mauris. Aenean posuere, mauris sit amet iaculis molestie, est ligula ultrices leo, porttitor dapibus ante lorem ac felis. Cras a risus justo, eu tincidunt urna. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec nulla turpis, lobortis vel congue quis, rutrum sed neque. Donec sed ante metus, at pellentesque sapien. Praesent at sagittis quam. Fusce commodo, urna nec dignissim adipiscing, ligula nisi aliquam risus, et porttitor urna massa sed ligula. Integer egestas pulvinar suscipit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aliquam consequat viverra urna, accumsan rutrum nibh bibendum ut. Nulla feugiat lorem augue. Fusce interdum faucibus sapien, vitae bibendum lorem hendrerit ullamcorper. Curabitur eu diam id ante varius ornare. Pellentesque arcu ante, pulvinar quis bibendum at, lacinia sit amet erat. Maecenas a mi et lectus malesuada interdum quis eu purus. Proin ante purus, consectetur et hendrerit sit amet, interdum nec felis.
Morbi nec ipsum sit amet neque bibendum ultricies ut quis libero. Mauris imperdiet eros sit amet massa fringilla sed ornare diam mattis. Phasellus eget sem eu lectus mollis fringilla vitae ut nulla. Duis velit purus, porttitor vestibulum consectetur a, venenatis eget urna. Nulla fringilla nulla eu urna commodo rutrum. Nulla pulvinar, nunc eget scelerisque ullamcorper, leo eros suscipit elit, non fringilla massa libero vel est. Vivamus non velit augue. Etiam ante ligula, varius non egestas a, faucibus sed nisi. Vestibulum non tellus pellentesque sapien ullamcorper vehicula. Nulla sit amet elit quam. Suspendisse vulputate suscipit libero, a sodales enim sagittis quis.
Ut at urna nulla, ut egestas felis. Vestibulum faucibus accumsan lorem, et blandit ligula faucibus ac. Donec congue elit vel mi bibendum lobortis. In id nulla tortor, bibendum lacinia lorem. Integer diam dui, volutpat quis euismod vestibulum, molestie eget mi. Vestibulum suscipit pellentesque lobortis. Proin non imperdiet tortor. Aliquam pharetra facilisis fermentum. Sed viverra aliquam diam quis interdum. Sed tellus ligula, pharetra pharetra scelerisque in, iaculis at augue. In sagittis vehicula nulla sit amet viverra. Aenean vitae dolor enim, quis suscipit nulla. Fusce nulla odio, dignissim eu molestie ac, elementum at sapien. Mauris lorem neque, ultricies consectetur euismod at, consectetur sit amet dolor. Aenean vitae lectus dui. Aenean eget mi urna, nec porttitor metus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Ut viverra blandit arcu vitae euismod. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Phasellus tristique porttitor tellus, in eleifend sapien vehicula a.
Vivamus massa lacus, pharetra et auctor id, venenatis vitae orci. Maecenas imperdiet posuere urna quis blandit. Etiam est urna, placerat et semper imperdiet, feugiat id nisi. Morbi laoreet tincidunt nulla. Nulla fermentum nulla ac tellus hendrerit dictum sed in velit. Aenean laoreet pharetra dui, eget ullamcorper ipsum pulvinar ac. Suspendisse auctor viverra velit, ut faucibus erat laoreet pretium. Curabitur et enim et nulla bibendum elementum in vitae diam. Nunc vitae odio sapien. Proin placerat dui in urna laoreet tempus. Proin vulputate, ipsum vitae consectetur mollis, felis est varius odio, in accumsan urna mauris vitae felis. Sed in orci et mi facilisis porttitor id a mauris.
The trait of the Month is Responsibility. There is a brief interview on the experiences of Hajj. Adeeb talks about Eidul-Adha and Abrar gives a nice overview of The Day of Dignity held nationwide in October.
Click here to download this newsletter: Salaam Issue-6 Vol-1 December
Few volunteers from our community are needed to work on Willamette West Habitat for Humanity Project on Dec 11th. Please let Teacher Azim know if you are available on Dec 11th and how many hours you would be able to work. Typical volunteer session is from 8:30AM – 4:30PM, with one hour lunch break. You can even sign up for ½ day sessions or for few hours.
Following are files with some necessary information and liability forms that each of us needs to bring on the day of the event. Please note that high school students can get their ‘community hours’ by volunteering for this good cause.
Please get in touch with Br. Azim for more information.
On Sunday September 26th 2010, Islamic Relief Organization in partnership with Oregon Islamic Chaplain Organization and other local sponsors provide for our homeless Free Hot Meals, Hygiene Kits, Medical Check Ups and Hair Cuts etc. More than 10 students from Bilal Islamic school volunteered to help and and the event turned out to be a huge success! Our students received great praise from the organizers as well as from the local community.
Here are the words of appreciation from Laila Hajoo, ISOS rep and co-sponsor of Day of Dignity:
‘First and foremost – Many thanks to Allah for providing us such a blessed day and may Allah bless you volunteers who showed up and provided service to those who are without. You did a great job and it is you that make this event such a success. And special thanks to Bilal Mosque school staff and the awesome students who came and did amazing service. Bilal students you rock!
OICO, our sponsor organization did an amazing job in getting things together given the logistics issues that were faced. The preliminary numbers show about 700 homeless were served yesterday. And we had at least 45 volunteers – amazing!…’
‘It was wonderful for all of us to band together from all the Mosques to help the homeless.
Most of us had a good opportunity to meet each other and best of all was to see how the kids all jumped in and helped outOur kids did an excellent job. When I talked to a few of them then have already told ISOS & OICO to sign them up for next years event.We fed over a 1000 people, consumed 600 hundred cups of coffee and boxes and boxes of dounutsWe handed out the hygiene bags, performed basic medical exams and cut their hair.. and did more!! alhumduliallahNo need to tell you what a great job you did. Your reward comes from Allah (SWT)Most of you got your volunteer certificate from Sister Ayesha and OICO.. If you would like a formal recognition please contact ISOS (Laila, Haroun or Ayoob) or Derek Rashid for a copy of your recognition… the the rest like most of us were just as happy with out the formal recognition. I say best to get our Certificate in Junnah where it will be more useful in defending our deeds..The highlights for meWe had one convert, I stand corrected as I said we had two.. (the other gentleman in the wheel chair wanted to visit the mosque and so Imam Shabazz gave him the details of some at As-Sabr to help that gentleman..he did not convert.. he said he already believes in Islam)Sara Ibrahim said it was awesome for her to talk to someone asking her about Islam.. made her feel proud of being a Muslim.Manny of the homeless came multiple time to thank us for our efforts.’
On Sunday, Feb 28th, 2010 Students from level 6 and 7 organized a Fundraiser to help the victims of Haiti Earthquake. They set up stalls for Jewlery Making, Henna, Origami , Face Painting, Drawing, Coloring, & many more fun activities. There were also Ethnic Foods And Pastries. The event was publicized and there was a huge turnout from the Muslim Community! The event raised more than $5000.
Great job everyone!
My Faith My voice is ‘a grassroots coalition of Muslim Americans seeking to give ordinary American Muslims a voice.’ For more information check out their Website or their Youtube Channel.
Assalamu Alaikum Bilal Sunday school Parents,
We would like to welcome your child at Bilal Sunday Weekend School. We are excited about the opportunity to getting to know you and your children.
Few important Notes:
School Starts : Sept 19th , Sunday at 9:30 am and end at 12:15 pm InshAllah.
Late Registration: Only Returning Students can register with $50 penalty for registering late. You can get the applications from the Office. Sr. Dola and Br. Rehman will assist you with the forms on-campus.
Registration for New Student: The registration for New Students is closed and we are not accepting new applications anymore.
Test for New Students: All new students who are already registered with us, need to take a test Bilal Trailers on Sept 18th Sat at 9:00am (excluding younger students of 6yrs).
Drop Off Time: Please come 10-15 min early for their first day of school and direct your children to the right class. There will be Posters on the wall and volunteers and teachers will be there to guide you.
Pick up Time 12:15 PM : Please come 10 min early and park for your child’s own safety (please keep in mind, we do not have any babysitter at Bilal) We will charge a penalty for Kids picked up after 12:15 pm)
Parking: Please look out for small children while you are parking your car.
We look forward to a happy and productive school year.
Bilal Sunday School