Registration Information for 2016/2017


Aslaam Aalikum Parents 

Bilal Sunday welcomes you to another year. We invite you to register your child(ren) for the 2016-2017 academic year. Because of Eid ul Adha, this year the first day of school will be Sep 18. 

General Information 

  1. This year we will do both electronic and in-person face-to-face registration. Instructions are in the Registration section below. 
  2. Please read the Discipline and the Dress Code Policy. Students will not be allowed to attend classes if dress code is violated and will be referred to disciplinary committee for violation of disciplinary code. You must agree to the policy when registering online and you will be required to sign a form if you register in-person. 
  3. The school will start at 10:30 AM on September 18th, so plan to be there at 10:15 AM. If your child comes late, you will need to accompany them to the office and they will be marked late for that day. 
  4. There is no change in the fee structure from last year.


  1. Electronic registration activated now and will close on Sep 3rd, midnight Pacific Time. You can register by clicking here. 
  2. In-Person registration is only on Saturday September 3rd, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM. There will not be any late in-person registration. If you are not going to be able to make it in-person, please register online before the deadline
  3. New students (except 1st graders) who have successfully registered either electronically or in-person will need to take a placement exam on Saturday September 3rd at 11:00 AM.
  4. First day of School – Sunday September 18th, 10:30 AM 
  5. Payment is due at registration. For in-person registration either one or two checks will be collected. See below.

Tuition Schedule:

No. of children No discount. Pay with two separate checks. 2nd check cashed Mar 1, 2017 5% Discounted Tuition. Prepay with single check. Electronic registration with credit card. Prepay entire year.
1 $520 (2 checks $260 ea.) $494 $511
2 $884 (2 checks $442 ea.) $840 $874
3 $1,326 (2 checks $663 ea.) $1260 $1311
4 $1,768 (2 checks $884 ea.) $1680 $1748

Payment Methods:

  1. Electronic: All Major Credit Cards (Must pay for a full year through online registration only) 
  2. In-person: Cash or Check. Checks made out to Bilal Sunday School