General Policies and Regulations

-Students (and Parents) need to arrive on time every Sunday. Anybody entering school premises at 9:30 AM is considered late.

-Students must be dressed in compliance with the School Dress Code (details below)

-Use of skate boards, roller blades and roller shoes is prohibited.

-Bilal Islamic School operates on a CLOSED CAMPUS policy.

  • School permission is required by the parents/guardians to visit the classroom or to pull the students out.
  • Students are not allowed to leave the school premises during school hours, without school consent and proper authorization.

-Intoxicants, Weapons and sharp objects are ABSOLUTELY prohibited.

-Student Cellphones MUST be TURNED OFF during school hours.

-Students should be picked up promptly when school ends (displayed at the bottom of our website & on calendar).

  • All students not picked up on time will be taken to the east trailer.
  • A late fee of $1 per minute will be charged.

-Please respect the teachers. If you have an issue, you may refer to the School’s Dispute Resolution Policy.


Dress Code

-Boys are not allowed to wear shorts to sunday school.

-It is a requirement that all girls wear a hijab in sunday school.

-Tshirts, or any kind of tops, with pictures are not allowed, regardless of the depiction of the picture.

Note: That it is expected of the parents and students to use logic and common sense to judge

what is the best islamic attire as we cannot list every single one that is prohibited and allowed.


Behavior and Discipline


-While at school (and everywhere else too), students are expected to exhibit good moral character. This includes:

  • Being respectful to all teachers, staff members and fellow students.
  • Being courteous and helpful, especially towards younger students
  • Refraining from the use of bad or inappropriate language.

-If any disciplinary issues arise, the student(s) will be referred to the Disciplinary Committee and the parents will be notified.

  • The Committee will decide the appropriate action for resolving the dispute within two weeks.
  • The Committee’s decision will be final and cannot be challenged.

-If you wish to report any issues to the administration, you can do so by sending an email to or by using the form that is available under “Dispute Resolution Policy” (which is under the School Policies tab) in the Bilal Masjid Sunday School Website.